HS-LS4-3: Apply concepts of statistics and probability to support explanations that organisms with an advantageous heritable trait tend to increase in proportion to organisms lacking this trait.
HHMI BioInteractive video about the Rock Pocket mouse of the American southwest is a great example of how natural selection can cause evolutionary change.
Follow the link below for supporting documents for a classroom activity to support student learning of this topic.
Developing an Explanation for Mouse Fur Color
Another activity I've used to help students learn this concept is the Evodot simulation created by Jon Herron.
Evodot Materials
HHMI BioInteractive video about the Rock Pocket mouse of the American southwest is a great example of how natural selection can cause evolutionary change.
Follow the link below for supporting documents for a classroom activity to support student learning of this topic.
Developing an Explanation for Mouse Fur Color
Another activity I've used to help students learn this concept is the Evodot simulation created by Jon Herron.
Evodot Materials

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